
Portraits: Rita

Oh, Rita.  Smile-y, bubbly, kind, so incredibly smart, hardworking, beautiful, willing to do jumps for photos...I might as well stop here and let the photos speak for themselves.

Portraits: Madysen

Madysen braved the cold for the first portrait shoot of 2014.  Wintry golden light, a beautiful iron gate, and Madysen's pointe skills helped make this portrait shoot beautiful.


Portraits: Madeleine

Madeleine is pretty fantastic.  As in smart, driven, and really into theatre.  We braved the cold and snapped these portraits just before the sun went down.  


Portraits: Devon

Devon and I explored a little backwoods of Grinnell as the sun was going down, and we were not disappointed.   

Those blue eyes!

The idea of using draped fabric I got from Wyn Wiley, a phenomenal photographer from Lincoln, Nebraska.  Check out the shoot he did with fabric here.  I can only dream of being as good as he is.